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Vorpal The Hexapod Gamepad User Guide, V2

From Vorpal Robotics Wiki
Revision as of 00:55, 30 July 2017 by Vorpalwiki (talk | contribs)

Vorpal Hexapod Quick Links:


The Vorpal Combat Hexapod Gamepad has many features to let you control your hexapod, including:

  • Select one of twelve different pre-programmed movement modes, which then modify the functions on the yellow DPAD buttons.
  • Record and later play back a sequence of hexapod motions.
  • Tether the gamepad to a computer using a USB cord, then use the MIT Scratch system to control the hexapod using a program you write.
  • Upload Scratch-programmed functions onto the gamepad, then use them as new movement modes of your own design.

Gamepad Button Layout and Terminology


As you can see in the diagram, there are two groups of buttons on the gamepad:

  • On the left are four rows of four buttons, and we'll call this group of buttons "the mode buttons".
    • These buttons are used to select a movement mode or activate the record/play feature.
    • The rows are labelled "W", "D", "F", and "R", and the columns are number 1, 2, 3, 4.
    • In this guide, we'll refer to a button such as W1, meaning the button located in row W column 1, or D4, meaning row D column 4, etc.
    • Below the mode buttons are symbols used to remind you of record/play functions. These will be described in more detail later in the section Record/Play.
  • On the right are five yellow buttons. This is called the D-PAD (directional button pad).
    • There are four buttons arrange in a diamond shape, and they correspond to directions (top of diamond is forward, bottom backward, left and right as you would expect). When we say "forward" we mean the top button, "backward" the bottom button, etc.
    • The yellow button all the way at the top by itself activates special functions and will be called "special".

For example, in this guide might be a description such as "First press mode button W3, then forward." That means you first press button W3 for a moment, then after that press the yellow button at the top of the diamond, which is "forward".

Overview of Modes
